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Monday, March 20, 2017

'Barrister Balla and Dr Fontem did not delegate power to Mark Bareta and Tapang Ivo' - Tassang Wilfred reveals (VIDEO)

The Executive Secretary General of the Cameroon Teachers' Trade Unions (CATTU), Tassang Wilfred has confirmed the rumour that has been making rounds that Barrister Balla and Dr Fontem never delegated the power to run the Consortium to Mark Bareta and Tapang Ivo.

In a Skype conference call posted on Facebook by Atanga Marcelius, Mr Tassang explained that Barrister Balla and Dr Fontem were already in jail when Mark Bareta and Tapang Ivo released a communique with a signature of Barrister Balla informing Southern Cameroonians that they have been given the power to act as interim consortium leaders. 

The big question here is: Who signed the communique? If Barrister Balla was already in jail hours before the communique was created.

While Mr Tassang is trying to be generous with the truth, the word on the streets is that Mark and Ivo 'photoshopped' or 'forged' Barrister Balla's signed on the communique which gave them the 'power' to act as interim-leaders. 

Mr Tassang also revealed that former President of North West Lawyers Association, Barrister Harmony Bobga resigned from the consortium while in Cameroon but decided to created an 'illegitimate' branch of the consortium in the USA after fleeing arrest. 

Listen to an excerpt of the Skype conference call below...
According to word on the streets, Tapang Ivo's GoFundMe initiative to buy Dr Fontem's car was a strategic move to 'sweeten' the consortium leader while he (Ivo) strategically 'forged' his way into leadership. See a current screenshot of the GoFundMe page below.

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