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Friday, August 25, 2017

Tchiroma Says Perpetrators of Desecration of Cameroon’s Flag to be Heavily Sanctioned

The Minister of Communication cum government’s spokesperson, Issa Tchiroma Bakary, has made known government’s stance on the recent wave of protests in Canada which saw some protesting Anglophones defying the national symbol of Cameroon.
While frowning at this exhibition of unpatriotic acts, the communication minister also condemned the violent acts perpetrated by some Cameroonian youths in some of the country’s embassies in Diaspora.
While speaking in a press conference in Yaoundé recently, Issa Tchiroma Bakary disclosed that, a probe to uncover intoto what transpired has been launched and promised heavy sanctions for all culprits.
According to the government's spokesman, these incidents occurred at a time when the Head of State His excellency Paul Biya, dispatched some high level delegations abroad to update Cameroonian Diaspora in the UK, Belgium, USA, South Africa etc on the exact situation unfolding in the English speaking Regions of the Country.
Minister Issa Tchiroma Bakary noted that the meetings with the Cameroonians practically went smoothly in some cases while in some cases, serious mishaps of vandalism were reported in other Countries.

The Communication Boss in Cameroon, disclosed that in some Countries, the national flag was desecrated, meetings were interrupted, coupled with violence and assaults.
He went ahead to add that some of these individuals even went ahead to hoist in a diplomatic mission of Cameroon the flag of an imaginary country that they want to create.
According to him, these irksome acts were committed by secessionists who aim at distorting the national unity of Cameroon through their quest for the split of Cameroon.
For him, by desecrating the flag, the activities tempered with one of the core emblems of the country, for it represents the identity, sovereignty and authority of the Nation.
He further reminded Cameroonians that no matter what, Cameroon, remains one and indivisible. Openly condemned the reprehensible acts perpetrated by some Cameroonians who he said have been brainwashed with secessionist tendencies that will only worsen issues as long as the cowardice acts proceed.
He reiterated that Cameroon is the will of the people and it is also the will of the United Nations. The current borders of Cameroon are known and deposited at the United Nations and all member countries of this institution have an obligation and mission to respect the configuration of Cameroon as it is validated.
Talking with firm tone and confidence, Mr.Tchiroma opined that there is no Country in the world which is a member of the United Nations that could derogate from the sacrosanct principle that was validated by that body.
He made it crystal clear that Cameroon is a signatory of the Charter of the United Nations and to all conventions and charters protecting human rights. The only thing that any country can ask of Cameroon, Minister Bakary emphasized, is respect for human rights, which he categorically declared is respected in Cameroon to the latter.
The government spokesperson, told the national and international press that “the Founding Fathers of our Nation left a Country at the Cost of their blood, their sufferings, their lives, that they shaped this Cameroon, it is therefore an individual and collective responsibility to honour the memory of those who departed and to transmit this heritage”.
He further added, “All Cameroonians, Christians, Muslims, and animists, English or French, from North to South, East to West are determined to fight until the last drop of their blood to keep the nation united, strong and prosperous”.
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