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Monday, March 5, 2018

Anglophone Crisis: Here is Fru Ndi’s Secret Letter to Paul Biya

The National Chairman of the prime opposition political party in Cameroon, Ni John Fru Ndi has written an emotional letter to President Paul Biya, explaining the Anglophone crisis and the poor handling of the crisis by his regime.
In it, Fru Ndi blames the escalation of the crisis on security forces and has called on the head of state to initiate dialogue to handle the crisis. Below is the full letter written by Chairman Fru Ndi wrote to President Paul Biya 
Once again, I feel obliged to return to you for the best interests of Cameroon, our dear country. As a result of our last correspondence and given the urgency of the situation, I would have expected you to have already launched an invitation to dialogue, as indicated in your last mail. Unfortunately, I note that such action has not yet been undertaken. I find it hard to believe that with the state of Cameroon in peril, our uncertain future, and more so than the fire burning at my own door, you do not always see the need for us to open a serious dialogue to work together and Assidument to the resolution of this crisis.
I imagine the first safety reports from some of your agents and administrators may have been misleading, which may explain why you have not so far scheduled a meeting between us. However, I should like to draw your attention to the fact that such reports are made in pure bad faith to serve as a camouflage for agents rather busy raising fortunes for themselves and to justify their poor assessment of the situation and hide their Gross inability to deal with this crisis.
After more than three decades in politics, I can say that I understand properly what is at stake in this country. My vision or political mission has never been to sow confusion for political gain or any other form of consecration, although it has already happened that a member of your government is accusing me of such a drift. I firmly believe in the protection and preservation of life. I have already told you, and I repeat it today, I do not think of coming to power or conquering fame by walking on corpses of innocent people in Cameroon, otherwise in 1992 I would have chosen to topple the country in Civil War after the holdup of the presidential election. If I have not chosen this option right now, it is not today that I am ready to subscribe.
Mr… The President,
The rapid deterioration of the situation in the two english regions justifies that once again, I would like to draw your attention to the need for prompt dialogue on the English-speaking crisis. An old saying in English says that “Prevention is better than cure”. when this crisis broke out, what was initially a trade union action and which could easily have ended as such, has easily turned into an event Captivating by surprising revelations. There have been many debates and analyses about this crisis and we are all well aware that there is a real English crisis that you know very well, particularly in your capacity as rapporteur of the commission. With all these revelations, we are obliged to intervene to save our country from the misfortunes and destruction that lurk and threaten us.

Every day that passes, an innocent camerounais dies, a woman loses her husband, people drop out of business, farmers can no longer plant or reap, since all their work tools have been seized and the villagers are on the run. Such a situation heralds a future of hunger, malnutrition, undernutrition and despair.
Our refusal to deal with the realities of our country and the facts of history cost us enormous economic, social and human life losses. The fracture line is becoming increasingly marked and as you know very well, the rise of hate speech brings us closer to a civil war. Those who have been entrusted with the management of this crisis are failing and fail miserably. The fact that this crisis is only getting worse should have made you realize that the action line chosen does not bear fruit and that we urgently need to change our strategy. Many resources that should have been used for better purposes have been absorbed by military action and we realize that we are far away from the account.
No country in the world has ever won a war against its own people. The death of any cameroonian, whether military or civilian, personally hurt me, because it is a loss for the nation. I condemn all forms of killings perpetrated by the armed forces as well as the sons of this country who have been pushed into this predicament. Your Declaration of war against your people, which is being murdered in cold blood by carelessness and the lack of professionalism of the law enforcement forces, is now considered a force of occupation. Similarly, the assassination of law enforcement officials who have not been adequately trained in counter-insurgency techniques, not only betrays the fragility of our country, but also leaves their families with bitterness. The military response to this crisis, from beginning to end, has made an already unsustainable situation worse.
I also have to draw your attention to the atrocities that are daily perpetrated in this part of our country: the villages are ransacked, the cases are being plundered, huge sums of money, and their livelihoods. Without regard for human life and dignity, women are being raped, young people are targeted, and les with the fruits of the hard work of farmers are reduced to ashes! The Anti-terrorist law that had been adopted to protect les from extremist violence had instead served as a blank cheque for extra-judicial executions.
Some politicians have taken advantage of this chaotic situation to organize WITCH HUNTS, arresting members of other political parties to be severely punished on the basis of false accusations. With all the upheavals and carnage that we are fomenting in this part of our country, more and more young people in the North-West and South-West have been oppressed because of the injustices they suffer. Les take refuge in neighbouring Nigeria because they are not safe in their own countries. All over the country, we all live in fear and insecurity.
Mr… The President,
From the above, there is no way to advance or obtain positive results in such circumstances. We must put an end to this situation. The glimmer of hope that emerges from this black cloud is that there are durable solutions that can solve this crisis. We must look at the realities of our history and correct the serious errors that have been perpetuated in order to achieve lasting solutions.

A Frank dialogue is not a sign of weakness, but an opportunity for us to start over and work together towards a truly united Cameroon. I cannot recommend you to light the peace pipe and extend the olive branch for reconciliation.
Let us give a chance to dialogue for the best interests of our fathers of reunification. We all have a responsibility to preserve peace and justice for this nation and this task cannot be left to one person, but to all of us. De, let us give our dear country the confidence and hope lost, so that our sons and daughters can return home safely to live in abundance. Let us finally revive our National Spirit. This is our challenge and my most ardent wish is that we can achieve it sooner than we can. Examples abound that show how dialogue as a political tool for conflict resolution has saved other nations from eternal damnation.
Nigeria has been able to engage in a dialogue to heal the wounds of the civil war by Forgiving Ojukwu and en it in its functions. You yourself have been able to forgive bello bouba maïgari, Issa Tchiroma, daïkolé daïssala among others for the aborted coup that almost made you lose your life. Today, all these people are ministers in your government. So eloquent evidence that you are capable of mercy and forgiveness! Can you, in this vein, release all those who have been arrested since the beginning of this crisis to facilitate the process of dialogue and genuine reconciliation? You negotiated with Boko Haram for the release of the hostages. You are also in the process of rehabilitating and reintegrating people known as boko haram repentis. Can we once again treat all les as a single people by giving them equal opportunities?
Mr President,
I am always prepared to discuss, although so far there has not been any feedback. Once again, I stand at your disposal and extend my fraternal hand in the best interests of our dear country.

Please accept, Mr. The President, my highest consideration and my best wishes

John fru ndi
National President.

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