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Thursday, March 8, 2018

Distressed Call from CRTV Management: Ambazonia Fighters Promise to Kidnap DO for Buea, Governor of Southwest Region, to take CRTV Hostage

The Station Manager of CRTV South West Region has sent a distressed call asking for more security in and around the station as well as other places in the Southwest region.
The distressed call came just few days after the regional delegate of social affairs for North West region was kidnapped in Batibo, putting the official number of administrators kidnapped at 2 although the separatists claim to have kidnapped 4 officials including 2 military men. The governor of the South West Region has place a curfew in the region beginning from 7pm to 6am. The curfew in the south west region will be applicable in the rest of the south west region except for Fako Division.  

In a letter titled “telephone threat from Ambazonian elements” addressed to the Governor of the Southwest region, the station manager wrote, “I wish to draw your attention to the fact that an unidentified person called my collaborator Mme Charline Flora Demgne, Chief of Service for program and information at Mt Cameroon FM on Monday February 26, 2018 at 7am.

His message was frightful that they are coming to Buea to Kidnap the Divisional officer for Buea the Governor and take CRTV. I therefore appeal to you to reinforce security at CRTV South west and put the whole City on the alert”.
The separatists in their usual propaganda said they were arresting them and not kidnapping. Some of them even claimed they are protecting their women and children.
Since the regional station manager for CRTV South west sent the distressed call, there has been an argy bargy on social media about it. Many are of the opinion that the manager should take the number that called to the communication company for tracking and that perhaps; the location of the assailants could be traced.
Meanwhile, threats on administrative officials and military men in the North West and South West regions have been consistent.          By FHM

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