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Monday, March 26, 2018

Vice President of MRC Seriously Wounded in Attack by 3 Hoodlums

TCR has gathered from credible sources that the Vice president of the Cameroon Renaissance Movement (CRM) party of Maurice kamto has been seriously wounded in an assault.
According to reports, three hooded individuals dressed in black assaulted him Sunday, March 18, 2018 around midnight at the entrance of his home.

Emmanuel Simh, was about entering his home in yaounde when he was assaulted by unidentified masked individuals. The lawyer received injuries on his head and feet. He went to hospital for treatment before returning to his home.

"That night, exactly at midnight, when I was coming home from a family meeting, I was assaulted by three hooded and individuals clad in black dresses. As I was getting off the car, one of the three individuals threw me to the ground, trying to strangle me. I started screaming for help, struggling with the energy of desperation, and my second son who was still in the living room seeing the scene from the window, screamed so loudly that the neighbor came out after he turned on his security light. The attackers, visibly surprised, then fled”, narrated the victim who went to the judicial police to report this assault.

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 According to Mr. Simh, “these people whose evil design is well established, and who were probably on an ordered mission”, did not ask for anything.
The lawyer also recalled that two or three years ago, unidentified individuals tried to abduct him at about 7 pm at the Anguissa neighborhood in Yaoundé.
This lawyer with the Cameroon Bar is also manager of a company and owner of Simh and Partners. He was lawyer for the writer Patrice Nganang and Barrister Harissou.
By a correspondent

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