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Monday, March 5, 2018

Gendarmes Severely Beat Lawyer in Yaoundé

Reports from Yaoundé in the center region of Cameroon say that a lawyer has been severely beaten therein by gendarmes.
Barrister Aboyoyo was battered while he was at the Mfoundi gendarmerie station to follow up the case of his client that has been detained there for some time now.
According to a French language newspaper La Nouvelle Expression that also reported the story in its edition of Friday, February 23, 2018, Barrister Aboyoyo of the Cameroon Bar was copiously molested by constables of the Mfoundi gendarmerie, while he was following up the case of his client whose name we got as Agodego Ambassa Clarisse.
"I went to assist a girl in difficulty, detained since yesterday at the Territorial Gendarmerie Group of Mfoundi. I introduced myself and the investigator received me. He did not allow me to meet the girl but instead I was presented with a complaint signed by a certain Yobo, who claimed to be the author of the pregnancy of this girl whom he discovered to be taking his money for nothing and not being pregnant,” said the lawyer.

According to reports, the complainant then demanded the sum of $ 1.8 million as damages. We also gathered that the family of the girl had agreed to advance some of the money for the case to be abandoned but the guarantor's warrant requested by the Captain to the investigator was not produced.
"The investigator came to take us to the commander's house. The one that was introduced to me as such asked me if I could meet the girl to get her version of the facts. I told him that I was not allowed to do it. About the discharge of the child, he replied that it was impossible case. That she was waiting for me to tell her to go to the complainant. Telling him that I think a woman that has a child is supposed to have a heart; she got very irritated and asked me to leave her office. She raised a baton at me and proceeded to hitting me several times. She kicked me with her rangers. While the investigator tried to calm her, a contingent of young gendarmes burst into the office. They started to beat me up,” said Barrister Aboyoyo.
Aboyoyo was taken to the Yaoundé Emergency Center where he was administered medication for the severe pains sustained from the beatings, the paper reported.

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