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Tuesday, July 3, 2018

East Region: Two Identified Persons Steal Minister’s Handbag in Dimako

Reports from Dimako in the East region of Cameroon say that two people have stolen the handbag of a government minister.
Clémentine Ananga Messina, was robbed last Saturday in Dimako, in the East region of Cameroon. The Minister Delegate to the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development was attending the funeral of Mongui Sossomba, President of the Chamber of Agriculture and influential member of the ruling Cameroon People’s Democratic Party (CPDM), when she became a victim of thievery.
According to a French language daily newspaper called Le Jour, of June 26, the Minister's handbag was forgotten in the car. After she realised that she had forgotten the handbag in her car, she then asked her bodyguard to get it for her.
Upon getting to the point where the car of the minister was parked, she realised that the door of the car was open and that the handbag of his boss had gone missing.
According to witnesses to the thievery, two persons perpetrated the act and they reportedly went further to help reveal the identities of the perpetrators.
The thieves, Evariste N. and Jean-Daniel M. were quickly arrested and asked to return what they had stolen.
Informed of the situation, Clémentine Ananga Messina recovered her handbag and asked that the thieves be released, reported the newspaper.
However, TCR did not get any information on the content of the handbag at the time it was stolen.

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