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Monday, February 26, 2018

Anglophone Crisis: Here is the Solution proposed by Nfon Victor Mukete

One of Cameroon’s most venerated politicians and chiefs, Nfon Victor Mukete, has reprimanded the Biya led regime and CPDM party for the degeneration of the ongoing Anglophone crisis that is over a year old today.
In a recent interview granted Jeune Afrique Magazine, the paramount chief of Kumba has opined that “only federalism can put an end to the ongoing Anglophone crisis.”
The centenarian politician and eldest member of the house of senate on the CPDM ticket, has also decried the marginalization of Anglophone Cameroonians and has termed it as “unacceptable.”
The business magnate said, “The marginalization of Anglophones is extreme. With only 10 Anglophones in a government of 60 Cameroonians, no one can be at ease with that.” He told Jeune Afrique of Monday February 19, 2018.
Concerning the ongoing violence in the two English speaking regions, Senator Mukete condemns the killings of both civilians and military, but still blames it on the government for being responsible for the way things have turned out.
He maintains that all this violence would have been preempted, if the central government would not have arrested and imprisoned the leaders, who were only making social demands at that time.
We would have avoided the escalation, if we would have not arrested and imprisoned moderate leaders, who were only making social demands.” 

If we had also refrained from clamping down on the voices of the protagonists on both sides, we would have avoided all these.” He said.
Recall that this is not the senator’s prime utterance on the current crisis rocking the two English speaking regions of Cameroon. The first time he made an outing on the subject, he also put the blame on the government even before it escalated.
During the launch of his book 'My Odyssey: History of the reunification of Cameroon' on Nov. 27th 2015 in the North West Regional Capital of Bamenda,  the Senator made a strong declaration that took even state authorities aback until today. “When you have two children and one is constantly complaining, you must listen and resolve the problem otherwise the situation could explode one day and it will be difficult to put the pieces together” Nfon Senator Victor Mukete said during the launch.
For him, there is no doubt that English speakers are marginalized in Cameroon. According to him, many laws are inaccessible to Cameroon’s English-speaking population because of the language barrier. 
'These texts are written in French only.' 'Worse', said the paramount leader of the Bafaw, 'some officials of Yaoundé have their speech in French when on a working visit at the English-speaking society. What an aberration.'
Can an Anglophone read a speech in English in Ebolowa?” the eldest member of the upper house of senate protested.
When I speak some interpret as saying that I advocate the division of Cameroon. No. I am for a united and indivisible Cameroon. And as Kwame Krumah said, 'Africa must remain united. The Damage caused to blacks by settlers are unimaginable',” h further avowed.
Reports said that after that book launch declaration in late 2015, he was sidelined for the 2016 traditional presentation of New Year Wishes to the Head of State at his Etoudi Unity Palace, a thing which the senator strongly chided.

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