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Thursday, June 21, 2018

Anglophone Crisis: Minister Tchiroma Throws Punches Back at Amnesty International

Cameroon’s Minister of Communication cum government’s spokesperson, Issa Tchiroma Bakary, has reacted to the report published by the international rights group Amnesty International.
He reacted to the report during a press conference he organized in Yaoundé on Thursday June 14, 2018. During the press conference, Issa Tchiroma Bakary gave government’s harsh response to the “allegations” contained in the latest report of Amnesty International about the government of Cameroon vis-a-vis the current crisis in the two English speaking regions.
Since the outbreak of the socio-politico-security crisis in the English-speaking regions towards the end of 2016, Amnesty International, a human rights organization, has already published two reports in 2017 and 2018 on the state of human rights in the Northwest and Southwest regions that has been a flashpoint of conflicts between security and defence forces and Anglophone separatist fighters that have been struggling for the creation of a state of Ambazonia.

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In its reports, the human rights organization declares the Cameroonian army guilty of serious abuses against the populations and torture of suspected separatists.
In response, the Cameroonian government, through the voice of its communications minister, denounces “unfounded allegations” of the NGO specialized in the defense of human rights.
"This report is tainted with crude lies, hasty deductions, and inadmissible defamatory tactics, which are part of a strategy of harassment and destabilization of our country in its fight against the terrorist threat. The Government of the Republic firmly rejects this so-called report, which, under the pretext of protecting human rights, is only a web of false allegations,” said Issa Tchiroma.
He also castigated out rightly, a foreign conspiracy against Cameroon. “The reason is that the situation on the ground is at odds with what Amnesty International describes. In fact, in these two regions of our country, terrorist groups claiming secessionist movements and benefiting from important support abroad, have decided to respond to the call for dialogue made by the Head of State with violence, crime, destruction of property and public buildings, kidnapping followed by assassinations and ransom demands, and all other forms of barbaric acts prejudicial to the peace and security of the people. Faced with this situation, the State's only recourse was an appropriate response, by virtue of its sovereign duties to preserve the territorial integrity of the nation, the preservation of peace and the protection of the populations and their property,” the government’s spokesperson avowed.
Recall that in one of his previous response to a report by Amnesty International still in relation to the Anglophone crisis, Issa Tchiroma accused it of conspiracy and ploy to destabilize Cameroon.

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